Mobile Application Privacy Statement

Effective as of August 06, 2013

Hornbill Technologies Limited ("Hornbill"), owns this mobile application named Hornbill (the "Application"). This Mobile Application Privacy Statement ("Privacy Statement") discloses Hornbill's privacy practices concerning the Application.

Data Collected by Us.

The Application uses and displays data about users of the system that is collected using other non-mobile tools that form part of Hornbill's software suite. The only exception to this is user's location data. On initial login, each user is invited to allow the Application to access their location information. If they agree, the user's location is obtained from the mobile device, on that and each subsequent login, and if they explicitly "check in", and is stored with the rest of the user's data.

The application does not collect your IP address but we do collect your mobile Device ID so that our system can send notifications to the Application.

We also use an error reporting/management system called Crittercism ( This collects device details (not user data) such as OS version and the server you are logged on to, for performance tuning purposes. We've also added the user name to the data collected so if the Application crashes, we'll receive the call stack and all the information we need for debugging.

Storing and Usage of Data.

This data is stored in our cloud. However, for performance reasons, the location data for all users is also cached locally on the phone while that user is logged in, and deleted on logout. In common with other iPhone apps, the locally stored data is not encrypted, either in transit or at rest.

Sharing Your Information.

We use the location data for all users to let them see which other users of the system are, or recently were, near their location, both in a list and on an interactive map

Except for the above, Hornbill does not rent, sell or share the information you have allowed us to collect with third parties without your permission. However, we may share your information without your permission pursuant to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, or orders or otherwise to comply with law.

Retention of Information.

Hornbill does not retain the location information. Data held in our cloud is retained as detailed in our SaaS Agreement.

Our Commitment to Security.

Hornbill has appropriate physical, administrative and technical safeguards procedures in place, which are designed to protect and safeguard your data. Of course, although Hornbill uses standard industry practices to protect and safeguard your data, we cannot guarantee that your communications with Hornbill or your data will never be unlawfully intercepted, or that your data will never be unlawfully accessed by unauthorized third parties.

Changes to the Privacy Statement.

Hornbill reserves the right to modify the Privacy Statement as business needs require. If we decide to change the Privacy Statement, we will post those changes here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone.